Northeast Ohio's Most Trusted Painters


Your home is one of your biggest investments and selecting the right contractor to paint it is very important. We believe that Geauga Painters will provide the best value for you and your home for both the short and long term.

We say this knowing that we will probably not be the lowest price contractor out there.

We provide a quality product and service and need to charge so that we may make a reasonable profit. In return you'll find that the experience is hassle free, on schedule and at a very high quality. Customer Satisfaction from start to finish is what we strive for and what you can expect.

Quality is an adjective you will hear us use a lot. That's because it has to be built in at every stage of the process, from the very first phone call through estimating, color consultation, scheduling, prepping, painting, clean-up, and completion of your project and back to life as usual.

We are happy to provide current references from your own neighbors, as well as current license information.

We guarantee our work in full and will provide you with all of the specifications of our written guarantee prior to beginning work.

We are insured/bonded, licensed contractors and can provide current license information.

© 2025 Geauga Painters. All Rights Reserved.

Geauga Painters is your source for outstanding, Northeast Ohio Paint Professionals.